mandag 11. februar 2013

Thoughts on the Wii U Part 1

This is a list of things i'd like to see in the Wii U. Note that some of the items on this list might have been used already by the Nintendo console, but that does not mean i haven't thought the same things :) So without further mosh in the mish, here are some of my Wii U ideas:

1. Using the game-pad and Wii-motes at once.
The Wii U came with a stand for the game-pad to stand upright on the table in front of you. This should be used for certain games, like thos games where motion gaming is essential. I am saying this with the Wii U Zelda game in mind. It would be really cool to have a clean screen, and to control Link just like we did in Skyward Sword (the controls were so good, going back to button game-play would be sorrow-inducing). The game-pad, standing on the table, would then serve as an additional screen where info like maps, items, quest-log and option screens would appear. I hope to see this in future Wii U games, as it would adapt the remote flexibility from the Wii into this new generation and make the console innovative without killing the Wii's best sides. 

2. Not necessarily using the game-pad in every title.
To be honest, i think this should be quite obvious in Nintendo's eyes. I understand that it isn't a priority at the moment, as the game-pad needs to be shown off in the early days, but it still needs to be taken into consideration. Not every title needs game-pad functions to be good! An example is the Wii U smash brothers and Mario Kart games. They should  not be based on the game-pad's asymetrical game-play style, although a optional mode with this in mind would be cool. So yeah, not all games need to be based on the game-pad functions.

3. Using the touch-screen for RTS games.
Yes, i know that this is quite obvious, and Pikmin already did this. However, i think there should be bigger games that should revolve around this. An example of this is my idea for a FPS game where one player decides where the army will move, and where the battle will take place, and in all other ways be the strategic leader of the game. In battles, the game-pad wielder would order air-strikes and assign them to areas on the map, order ammunition, give orders to the troops etc. The other players would be foot-soldiers and play the game like a traditional FPS. Online, this feature would be really cool, as multiple strategist would have to work together or against one another in a world of war. 

So yeah, that was the first part of my Wii U idea rant! Be sure to stick around as i will keep ranting on this subject in the future! :)

søndag 10. februar 2013

My Personal Top 20 Zelda Items

Zelda is my favourite game franchise of all time. Simple as that. The game series has given me so much these past 15 years of playing it that I can't really not talk about it here. I will try to make each segment brief as there are 20 points on this list. I'm sorry for the low quality on some of the pictures, but thats what you get for trusting google images. So without further pish posh, here is my personal top 20 items in the Legend of Zelda:

20: The Eye of Truth
This is a classic Zelda item from back in the nintendo 64 days of Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. It lets you see through illusions like fake doors or hidden platforms, which is essential in the plot-line of both said games. There is just something really fun about discovering secrets and hidden wonders in the Zelda series that this item captures perfectly, and that's why it makes it on this list. I also have to give credits to the design of this item, which is really nice. You might notice over time that design really gets to me. Anyways, moving on.

19: The Hover Boots
The hoverboots entered the Zelda arena in the 1998 blast Ocarina of Time. This unique item lets link cross pitch black holes of otherwise absolute doom. The design on these oh so nice boots is done really well, and you feel really cool when you use them. A downside though is that you can't really use them for regular use, as the make you slower and your steps slippery. Aside from that this item is fun to use, nicely placed into the puzzles of the shadow temple, and it total a really cool item. This was also one of the most memorable items of OoT in my opinion.

18: The Magic Hammer and the Skull Hammer
The feeling of just destroying everything you see. That's about all you need to know about this item. I'm talking specifically about the Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass versions of the hammer. Both are really gigantic, and you really get the sensation of power when wielding them. The Skull Hammer definitely looks better than the Magic Hammer, but the latter is more fun to use. In Phantom Hourglass there is a boss that is basically a huge stone golem that looks like it was made by the same guys who made pyramids. By using the giant hammer, you totally wreck this building of a monster (or monster of a building if you like), and it just feels great. Ahh... I miss Phantom Hourglass now... Excuse me a minute...
... Oh, yeah right, i was in the middle of something here! Kay, moving on!

17: Fierce Deity Mask
Try to get this mask on your own! No seriously, it's insanely hard to get this mask. You literarily have to unlock every little secret this game (Majora's Mask) has to offer... And son, that ain't easy. However, if you do get around to it, it makes the effort worth it. By wielding the mask, you transform into a godlike version of Link that wields dark power comparable to Majora's Mask itself! Now that is some epic stuff right there. Link also gets the power to shoot lasers out of his sword, which this time around looks a lot better that back in the 80's. So why is this mask so poorly ranked? It can only be worn during boss battles, and can only be obtained just before battling the final boss... It's still awesome, though!

16: Bomb Arrows
YEY TWILIGHT PRINCESS! This is just the first of many entries from this game, so you might understand that... i cinda like this game. The Bomb Arrows is quite self explanatory: By adding bombs to your arrow-tips, you can explode objects, enemies, random countryside, anything, from afar. And yes, it is as cool as it seems! Although it is far from my favourite item from this game, it still made riding around Hyrule field really fun and explosive.

15: Iron Boots (Twilight Princess)
Yeah, the Iron Boots in OoT was kind of a pain, and in Wind Waker it had only a small role. In Twilight Princess, however, this item kicked ass! Avoiding heavy wind? Equip Iron Boots! Pulling a switch in the roof? Equip Iron Boots! Walking across the roof on a magnetic field? Equip Iron Boots! Wrestle a huge freaking GORON!? Equip Iron Boots! Needless to say, i love this item, and it was utilised throughout the plot-line. I seriously had it bound to my d-pad for 80 % of the game, and i used if all the time. And also, the look just great, don't they?

14: Linebeck's Ship
Yes, i know, this isn't technically an item per say, but while playing through this game you really get attached to this beauty! You get add-ons like a canon and a salvage arm, and you get to customise the ship down to the last detail. The king of red lions was cool, but nowhere during the Wind Waker did I feel this freedom on my sea vehicle.
13: The Dominion Rod
More Twilight Princess! Surprised? Why not??? Anyways, this item is really cool and really creative. With this piece of ancient godly technology you get to take dominion over statues in the Temple of Time, and use them to proceed through the dungeon. The entire dungeon is based on a door that requires two identical statues on two pedestals in order to be opened. One is already there, and the other is located at the top of a very tall tower. You must then get to the top and then steer the statue all the way back. Yes, it is definitely as awesome and epic as it sounds, and it only gets better as the dungeon progresses. I won't go too far into detail, but i will say this: The dungeon boss uses this technique beautifully! Also a big shout-out to the design in this item! Damn nice!

12: The Goddess Shield
My favourite shield from my favourite game of all time, the Goddess Shield truly deserves a spot on my list. I really like all the legendary shields (the ones that regenerate) in Skyward Sword, but this one takes the grand prize. With it being the ultimate evolution and with the extremely well designed artwork, it truly is the ultimate shield in the Zelda series to this date (in my opinion). I love how the shield matches all the other parts of the Skyward Sword game, and how good Link looks with it on his back. It also matches the Master Sword better than the original Hylian Shield and the other shields in SS.

11: Hawk-eye

Sniping with a bow and arrows. How can one not like that!? The Hawk-eye lets Link zoom in his vision while shooting with his bow, allowing precise marksmanship and deadly aim to enter the battle field (or should i say the Hyrule field?). Needless to mention, the Hawk-eye looks awesome, and it comes in really handy when playing sequences like the courtyard of Hyrule Castle or the Desert region.

10: Grappling Hook
My favourite incarnation of this item is of course the Wind Waker version, but the Phantom Hourglass version is really cool too. This awesome device kicks the original hook-shot off the stage, and when i got the WW hook-shot for the first time i actually got a little disappointed. This was simply because i loved to swing around with my Grappling Hook so much i would rather do that for the whole game than to switch over to the hook-shot. Nevertheless, it was awesome while it lasted, and i Phantom i got to use it throughout the game, and ever got to use it as a line to walk across hills. The whip, which is somewhat related to this, was also amazing, and i really want to see a new incarnation in a future game.

9: The Goddess Harp
Am i the only one who hears the intro from Ballad of the Goddess when i see this picture? This is my favourite instrument in the Zelda series to date, probably because harp is my favourite instrument in real life. It is so much fun just running around playing it, and i give a huge thumbs up to the fact that the scale automatically syncs to the scale the background music plays in. Also, it's position in the story-line is really well made, and that makes this item deserve this spot on my list.

8: The Gilded Sword
The one thing i think is the most important in any Zelda game is the swordplay. Therefore, the swords play an essential part in the game experience. The Gilded Sword is awesome. Simple as that. Its long, it's twice as dangerous as the previous sword, and it looks amazing. It's innovative and unique, and it made Majora's Mask into one of the "sword-games" in my mind. Another really cool point to mention is the way you get this. I won't go into detail as it might spoil some of the puzzle-solving fun, but i really loved the progress of getting this item!

7: The Beetle

Skyward Sword was a really innovative game, with its precise swordplay and its perfectly detailed environment. Another thing that SS did really right was the addition of unique items, such as the Beetle. The Beetle is controlled in real-time much like the seagulls in Wind Waker, and can be used to collect rupees, snap threads, or even carry bombs to open paths or damage enemies. The Beetle was fun, efficient and good looking, and with all its evolutions it truly deserves this spot on this list.

6: Scattershot
More Skyward Sword! This time we're looking at the item in Zelda games i feel disappears the fastest, and that i cinda miss the most; the slingshot. But oh no, not just the slingshot! The Scattershot. When you get this upgrade, you can charge you shot to shoot 8 deku-seeds at once, making such things as hitting switches or killing spiders much easier and a lot more fun. Oh, did i mention that all those 8 seeds still only costs you one from your pouch? Yeah, awesome right?

5: The Double Clawshots
The Clawshot is awesome. Just very very awesome. You get to hook onto things and get to previously unreachable areas. You can even use it to pull switches that are in the ceiling in order to proceed in the game. And then you get another Clawshot... So you can hook yourself to one destination, and the hook further while on the wall/ ceiling! How freaking awesome is that!? I was sceptical when i got the 2nd Clawshot in Twilight Princess, but now... Now i just love this baby with all i've got!!!

4: Hero's Bow (Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword)
I cinda hated bows in Zelda. Please don't kill me, I just didn't like the joystick aiming. I always liked  bows as a weapon, but i felt like Zelda simply did it wrong. But then Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword came along with pointer-aim, and it changed everything! Sniping enemies from afar was just so endlessly fun in these games, and the designs on the bows immensely good that this item almost could have gone all the way to the top (if it weren't for the next three to come).

3: The Fused Shadow
Ok, so here is the deal. You collect this item by defeating bosses, and you unlock its powers by defeating Zant. Even though you don't use it yourself, i still thing the Fused Shadow deserves this spot simply because it is so epic. The final scenes of Twilight Princess are really amazing, and that is much thanks to the Fused Shadow. Also, by being the one who obtains these items, you feel like you can take some of the credit for Midna's badassness while fused. Altogether i know this is a different and unusual thing to mention in such a list, but hey! I am not like everyone else!

2: The Zora Armor
The Zora Armor is just so damn good looking. Like holy cow look at that! It just looks so freaking awesome i just want to jump around! I really loved this piece of equipment from the moment i got it in-game, and to date it is the coolest garment Link has ever worn! Another important thing to mention is the purpose of the Zora Armor. With it equipped, you get to swim around like a zora and breathe under water. You can even put on Iron Boots and use your Sword or Clawshot while submerged. Well done, Nintendo. Well done.

1: The Goddess Sword and all its evolutions in Skyward Sword
As i said, swordplay is what i find most important in a Zelda game. How the mechanics are put together to make you feel like Link is essential in the experience of the game. Thats why my grand price goes to the Swords and the swordplay in Skyward Sword. Not only is the controls in SS really amazing, but the blades look really cool too. I also love that you evolve your sword rather that getting new ones. And hey, Fi is in that sword, isn't she? And Fi is awesome! Therefore, the swords in Skyward Sword is my favourite Zelda item to date

onsdag 9. januar 2013

The Fellowship Of The Lego Ring

Lego Lord of the Rings is a great game. How can i say it any clearer? You should all play this game, no matter what console you play it on. I personally play it on the Wii, which probably is the "worst" of the available consoles, but i still really love the game. The Wii version features HD compatibility, so the picture is actually a lot clearer than most Wii games adapted from PS3/Xbox titles from the past. My only issue with the Wii version, however, is that the frame-rate is quite bad sometimes when playing multiplayer (and watch out, 'cos the Wii version is full of glitches). Nevertheless i love this game, and every time i leave it, i start missing it about 1 hour later.

One of the really great sides of the Lego game series (Star Wars, Batman, Pirates and so on...), is that they all have very nice multiplay accessible gameplay. The battle sequences are thrilling, the puzzles creative and challenging, and the team-work in multiplay is really rewarding and it feels awesome to achieve a goal with your friend. I also like the minor PvP element in this game where you can either race through the re-playable levels for the highest point score, or simply try to kill one another (friendly fire is constantly on in this game). When playing, me and my friend usually at some point end up just fighting for like 10 minutes.

Another great detail that makes this game good is the humour that is so classically Lego styled. From Gandalf hiding Saruman's orb under his beard to riding goats through the shire, this game is packed with laughter and fun. And fun is what its all about in the end, right? I also laughed pretty hard at several occasions where i was able to literarily buy people off the street. Bilbo would come walking up to me, and i'd be all "Buy Bilbo? Sweet, i love buying folks!". No, but seriously! I mean, yeah, i'm a terrible person, and human trade is WRONG... in the real world. But for all of us who know the difference between a game and reality, this detail is just plain funny.

Game-play wise this game is good. The reason why i'm not saying great is that there are some off-putting features that could have been avoided. The dynamic split screen is often confusing, and although you get used to it in time, it often forces you to jump off ledges to see what you need to find (yes i know that the dynamic split is optional, but i don't feel like i'm fully embracing the game if i disable it). Another point is that during split screen, you can't aim at your teammate's screen. This is understandable when the two players are far away from each other, but when the distance is a couple of metres it just annoys me a bit. But despite all that i still love the game, don't get me wrong.

I could go into detail about how the story is great, but... come on! It's Lord of the Rings, of course the story is amazing. Technically it might be one of the worlds best game stories, but as it is based of a film based on a book, i don't really think it counts. Anyways i had a lot of fun with this game, and i highly suggest anyone who reads this to try it out!

tirsdag 8. januar 2013

My Personal Top 6 Wii U Launch Games

I just want to say two things before i begin this post: 1. I have not played all those games, and for said games i will base my reasons on impressions, screenshots and gameplay footage I have seen on YouTube and such. 2. These are my personal favourites, so they will probably differ for yours. Ok, lets get started with some geeky, gamer goodness.

6. Trine 2
 This game is just beautiful. The visual style and charming character design is just amazingly well done, and the game has a real hook to it; you simply want to play this game. I have only gotten around to a PC demo of the game, but i imagine playing it on the U to be pretty damn amazing. I really like the side-scrolling platformer element added to an otherwise quite normal RPG, which also pretty much brings together my two favourite game genres.

5. Nintendo Land
The reason this game isn't higher (which, believe me, it could've been) is that it is so dependent on the players. If the attitude is bad in your group, the game is bad too. On the other hand, if your group is open for the idea of a "childish-ish" party game joy ride then the game will be absolutely mind-blowing. I had such low expectations for this game, but the first time i got together a full five person game and played Mario chase... Instantly hooked! I also like that there are multiple single player minis in the game that are multi-playable through the tour train mode, which is the ultimate party mode of the game. All in all i love this game, although it is not better that the next titles to come.

4. Assassin's Creed 3
Do i really need to tell you why this game kicks ass? I mean come on! You got historical precision, visual brilliance, wonderfully beautiful gameplay, great open-world exploration, long story, good story, intuitive objectives and so on. I must admit i haven't gotten around to this title yet, but i've seen plenty of footage and reviews and so on, and it is just mind-blowing. Why is it not on the top? I have simply not played this, and as this is my personal favourites, i guess that wouldn't be quite right. Moving on.

3. ZombiU
This game terrified me in many ways, but my main problem is that the game is soo fun, yet soo scary. This is probably the reason why its not on a higher ranking, simply the fact that i couldn't play it for too long because the fear made me exhausted. Nevertheless i loved this title. It fulfils its purpose as a survival horror game by being truly scary and stressful and with plenty of obstacles that require a bit of brain-cracking. I also love the perma-death system where you have to kill your infected, former self when you die to get your gear back... Another great point is the multiplay on ZombiU. The gameplay is so addicting, and it has depth to it so you can build strategies and become a better shooter/ zombie king.

2. New Mario Bros U
Oh Mario... You never seem to disappoint me, and nor you did this time around. New Mario Bros U has everything the previous titles in the series but with several additions. These include Baby Yoshi with special powers, such as granting light to a pitch black cavern or spraying bubbles to jump higher or trap enemies within, and an acorn power-up that allows Mario to glide through the air and do an extra jump mid air. In my opinion, Mario Bros U is more creative, the level design bolder and the story line finally with a twist (in stead of fighting towards bowsers lair, you now fight towards Peach's castle that has be overrun by Bowser and his gang). Also the GamePad mirroring mode brings flexibility to the game, as it can be brought into the next room or continued while others use the TV screen.

1. Batman Arkham City: Armoured Edition
I could not stop playing once i started. During christmas holidays (I got the game for christmas) i would stay up to eight in the morning just hiding under my blanket in my bedroom with the GamePad only mode activated. I legitimately completed the game in a matter of 4-6 days, and when the story was over i almost cried. The story was amazing, graphics really sweet, characters memorable and powerful, but one thing stood out the most for me... The boss fights. Bosses in this game were so amazingly complex, fun to play yet strategically difficult to beat. The difficulty progression was not parallel with the story (the final boss was very easy), but it usually isn't in this type of game. The trial of the demon also spoke to me, as i love seeing fantasy impulses in these sorts of games. The Catwoman stealth sequences were also extremely intuitive and fun, in addition to the bonus of her being super hot of course. Altogether i would rate this game 10/10, and as for console games i have played before, only the Zelda franchise beats this game. I only wish they would make a "Arkham Asylum: Armoured Edition" as well...